Augustana Student Association Announces 2020-21 Faculty of the Year Award

By AU Strategic Communications & Marketing | May 12, 2021
Lisa Baye 1

The Augustana Student Association (ASA) announced that Dr. Lisa Baye, assistant professor of biology, is the winner of the 2020-21 Faculty of the Year Award. Along with her parents, husband, two sons and colleagues, members of ASA surprised Baye with the announcement in one of her classes on Wednesday, May 12. 

Lisa Baye Along with writing thank-you notes to professors, ASA asks fellow students each year to nominate their favorite Augustana faculty member. The award is given for excellence in teaching and distinguished service to the students of Augustana University.

Through an online submission form, one nominator wrote, "Dr. Baye is a ray of sunshine and a gem of a human. She is so down-to-earth, welcoming and the best professor I have had. Even though she teaches complex subjects like biochemistry and cell biology, she is able to break the concepts down. In an advisor role, she is encouraging, yet realistic. Every student should have the privilege of taking a class with her.”

"Dr. Baye is full of energy and passion, and is always more than willing to talk to her students about anything on their minds. She helps when she can, and she guides you to those who can when she is unable to. She has been an absolute delight to have this year,” contributed another nominator.

Lisa Baye 3"Dr. Baye has taken countless hours (literal hours of her time) to not only help me understand class material, but also help talk with me about future careers and what to do,” another student nominator added. “I know that I would not have decided on my future career without her guidance.”

Dating back to at least 2002, ASA has recognized a faculty member for their contributions throughout the academic year. Pam Barthle, assistant professor of nursing, was recognized for the award in 2020.

For a complete list of past Faculty of the Year Award winners, please visit

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